Alter – an alternative to plastic surgery

Everyone wants to look young, but only a few resort to the help of plastic surgeons due to the risks associated with the operation. Those who are not yet ready for decisive measures are offered an alternative.

Recently, hardware cosmetology is increasingly competing with plastic surgery. Safe hardware procedures have appeared for those who are not ready to decide on plastic surgery, but would like to improve their appearance, pulling up the skin.

Ulthera (alter) is the only non-invasive procedure today, which does not affect the upper layers of the skin, but to a depth of up to 4.5 mm and reaches the muscle-aponeurotic layer (all known as SMAS). Before the appearance of the Ulthera device (alter), only surgeons could work so deeply.

With age, SMAS loses collagen and is no longer able to cope with its main function of the face frame. The fuzziness of the contours of the oval of the face and excess tissues under the chin appear, the eyebrows are lowered. These are the so -called gravitational changes that cannot be eliminated, acting only at the skin level.

Under the influence of intense focused ultrasound, the chosen heating of the area of the muscle-aponeurotic layer occurs, which leads to its reduction, providing an immediate tightening of the frame of the face, as if after surgery. The effect of ultrasonic energy activates the synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers, which ensures an increase in the effect of the procedure for several months. One of the important features of the “ultrasound lifting” methodology is that the generated wave passes all overlying structures (skin and subcutaneous fat), without damaging them and not scattering, which provides the maximum effect at the desired depth.

Under the influence of the procedure, the restoration and strengthening of fabric from the inside occurs – this is not an instant process, the effect develops as new collagen fibers form and lasts up to 18 months.

Ultrasound is widely used and practically deprived of side effects.
The safety of the

methodology is confirmed by clinical trials.

  • Plastic surgery: Why change yourself?
  • “Ladies of advanced age come into fashion”

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